Saturday, April 5, 2025
10:00 AM: General Assembly & Award Ceremony
1:00 PM: Fair Opening
2:00 PM: Presentation
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lutz
Topic: "Hair Loss Due to Chemotherapy – A Phenomenon with Different Progressions, Prognoses, and Therapeutic Options"
3:30 PM: Presentation
AS Abrechnungsstelle Bremen
Topic: "Telematics Infrastructure for Hair Replacement Specialists – Current Developments in Electronic Prescriptions"
5:00 PM: Presentation
Laura Vetterlein
Topic: "How Do We Perform at Our Best Under Pressure, as a Team?"
Solutions from professional sports will be adapted to our professional everyday life.
7:00 PM: Fair Closes
Sunday, April 6, 2025
9:00 AM: Fair Opening
2:00 PM: Presentation Alisa Vetterlein (Topic: see April 5)
3:30 PM: Presentation Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lutz (Topic: see April 5)
5:00 PM: Presentation AS Abrechnungsstelle Bremen (Topic: see April 5)
3:00 PM: Fair Closes
3:00 PM: Hair Donation Auction